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Lelong Addict - Gadget Kaki

Lelong addict who sits in front of my computer aimlessly looking for cheap, shiny, nice gadgets on eBay and lelong. Life purpose is only to dream about getting a nice gadget. Pathethic existence but it's the only one I know of.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Wireless and mobile

RM999 that's the starting price.

It's a Tungsten T5 with wireless keyboard and WIFI SD card. It's a geek's dream to be wirelessly connected. Notebook owners - eat your hearts out.

Source : Lelong.com.my

Closing on 23rd August 2005 at 3:15:00 PM

Friday, August 12, 2005

Sony Clie PEG-TJ37

Current price is RM450.

Mouth watering with WIFI and got 256Mb bundled in some more. Isn't it just beautiful ?

It's so far the cheapest Clie with WIFI in lelong that I have seen.


It's closing in 18 hours. Some lucky shmuck is gonna get it. Or I hope not :)

Anyway, it's 'immortalised' here on this page so I can 'touch' it whenever I want.

He he.. that's the purpose of this pathetic blog by this pathetic blogger :)

Link to the TJ37 on Lelong (only temporary - will be gone once it expires there..)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Treo 670 Runs Windows

Palm has finally gone to the dark side.

They have embraced Windows OS for their PDA smartphones. Is it the end for Palm OS platform? Lots of talk of Palm's blunder but an equal number of people support the idea and even say it's good for Palm.

Seen in one of the heated comments from Palm Info Centre:

"And, even if [PalmSource] did somehow manage to sustain themselves from cell phone sales in China in the event that PalmOne switched, what's the point? The Palm OS itself would be dead as a platform. There wouldn't be any significant players left making Palm OS handhelds. I don't think PalmOne is going to switch entirely, but if they did, it *would* be lights out for Palm OS."

First off, PalmOne isn't "switching" to Windows Mobile, they're adding it as an option. Just like Garmin and Samsung sell both Palm OS and Windows Mobile handhelds. You're thrown by the idea that "Palm" would be using Windows Mobile, but that misses the point. PalmOne is just another licensee, now, no more important, really, than any other. That they offer handhelds in both flavors is no more significant than Samsung and Garmin doing the same.

Apple natively running Windows OS, Palm also doing the same. Exciting times ahead ...

Links to related story about "Palm Windows version":-

Anonymous Treo Video Shot and Photos [DavesiPaq]

So who wants a Treo 670 with Windows?[Digibuzz]

A Treo 670 Running Windows Mobile (Yes, Again)[HowardForums]